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A Path To Leadership

A Path To Leadership

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Like many technologists on the rise, my career has taken many different twists and turns. I’ve remained in the software development field since the beginning and almost exclusively in web applications development. Although I enjoy hands-on development and the satisfaction of deploying something that I’ve built from scratch, I’ve also discovered something new. I realized that I take great pride and satisfaction when I can work with a team and help the group succeed as a whole.

Over the last few years, I have taken on a dual role as Sr. Software Engineer and Scrum Master. I have really enjoyed the aspects of facilitation and general leadership the Scrum Master showcases. Additionally, I also currently have a great mentor and leader in my boss. She is pivotal to our group’s successes and has that right mix of direction, authoritative guidance, and allowing freedom and autonomy. In summary, I would like to be like her.

For those reasons, I am starting down a path to compliment my technology skill set with leadership, management, and business acumen. I have decided to obtain my Masters in Business Administration (MBA) at Xavier University though their online program. This comes at a critical time for me as well because I have some major life shifts happening. In parallel to being a part time student, I am about to be a proud father of my first child, my current company has been acquired by Charter communications, and my wife and I are thinking about making a big move back across the country to North Carolina.

I picked Xavier University for a few reasons. There are a ton of great MBA programs across the country. That allows for choices to be made against several categories. Here are the reasons I liked Xavier’s program above the others.

  • In the top 100 rankings for online programs across the country.
  • Great balance of value for the cost.
  • Flexibility in schedule against my work / life schedule (after all there is a baby on the way).
  • Ability to complete in 2 years time.
  • High ethical standard (Although I’m not a Jesuit, the mission and fundamental beliefs of the school give me confidence that a high value on ethics is in place).
  • The Blue Blob!

I will surely report my successes and failures over the next years in my transition to leadership along the way. In the mean time, I’m making a time-capsule type of prediction on some of the elements and tools I will need to be successful. Below is a list of things I anticipate needing and hopefully might help someone else out that is on the same path.

Items to Pack on Your Leadership Journey:

  • Humility – You can’t know everything and you have to learn from those who do know.
  • Patience – This journey will take time and will likely never end.
  • Mentors – Find the qualities in those leaders you want to emulate.
  • Anti-Mentors – Find the qualities in those leaders you want to avoid emulating (like micro-management).
  • Reflection – You will need to look back at situations to find the good, bad, and the ugly, and be able to adjust your path.
  • Continuous Learning – Technology, society, and situations are never the same. You will need to adjust and keep learning to adapt.
  • Confidence – All good leaders (no matter what type) have this in common.

Surely I have lots to learn as does anyone starting on this path. I am excited to get started on my education at Xavier and look to learn from every experience along the way.

Published by John Zeren

John Zeren is a software engineering professional with a concentrated background in, and passion for, web application development. As a technical and a people leader in the tech space, he is a champion of agile methodologies, collaboration, and using iterative development to solve complex problems.

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