
Technically I was born in Peoria, Illinois but grew up most of my childhood in Jacksonville North Carolina. From an early age I was fascinated with computers. I remember in elementrey school every now and again getting to play games like Number Munchers and Oregon Trail.

I would try to get my hands on a computer any chance I could. My first computer was an old Intel 286. I was fortunate enough that I was able to see each generation of the Intel processor growing up (286, 386, 486, Pentium). Just before going to college I saved my money and pieced together my first home built computer. Although in the beginning mostly for gaming, it wouldn’t take long before I knew computers would some day be a part of my career.

Probably somewhere around my Sophemore year in high school, I experienced my first internet connection. We had a 14 Kbits/s Modem (yeah old!). From that moment on I was hooked. I spent countless hours trying to understand how it all worked, what was this thing called HTML, who could I meet in chat rooms, and what was email all about. Like many in the 90’s, I built my first website at Angelfire and setting my first Instant Messaging account with ICQ.

A lot has changed since then, but my passion for computers, and especially web technologies has not. I obtained my undergraduate degree from North Carolina State University and hit the ground running getting a job with Dakno Marketing right after graduation. I’ve been in the software development business ever since. Web applications development remains both a profession and a hobby.

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